Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Why you should always wear a belt

Photo by Beatrice Mulch
Photo by Beatrice Mulch

       Belts. Such a simple concept. Something you tie around your waist to keep your pants up. But for such an incredibly useful item, why don't more people wear them. Clearly gangsters have taken a step back from when they used to dress nicely and wear belts to commit murder and what not. If not even gangsters will wear belts, then what does that say about society?!

Photo by Esquire
Photo by Esquire

     Belts are much more then a useful item to have in your fashion arsenal. They are a valuable accessory that makes almost any pant look better (sweatpants excluded). It doesn't matter what kind of belt, they all serve a purpose. When building your style to what you want to become, you should have belts that go along with this and to help accent the look you want to go for.

Photo by BeltsNJewlery
Photo by BeltsNJewlery

     The single most important thing belts do, however, is help the fit of a pant. The way something fits is the most important thing about any article of clothing. It doesn't matter how much you paid for it, if it doesn't fit well, it isn't for you. Belts help the pant fit better so that you can have more options when shopping for pants, and help you look better. 

     So belts help your pants stay up and making your lower body look dashing. So where do you start? Well belts can fit just about any price range, and they only depend on how much you are willing to spend. A $10 belt works just as well as $500 belt and might be even better for your style. Take advantage of some shorts that come with belts (if the fit is right). Often times you would be surprised how much you can do with one belt.

As a starting belt, I recommend getting 1 canvas belts, as pictured above in the 3rd image, and one reversible belt that gives you two color options.

I personally recommend these: Reversible, Canvas. But often times you can get a very nice, cheap reversible belt at TJ Maxx or Marshalls, and I highly recommend them. 

As always, this is Ethan Moore telling you to BeMooreMan!