The blog
It has been a little more then a year since I started Be Moore Man, and about 10 months since my last post. This delay came from an increased workload during the school year, that made it difficult to find enough time to write anything meaningful or simply worth reading. It also stemmed from an inner questioning of what I wanted to do with this blog, and how I wanted to focus it in the future.To all of my readers, I want to ensure that when you come to my blog, you will find something: engaging, well-written, and thought out. At the same time, I want to ensure that I will be able to keep up with the blog and begin posting more frequently. So, to address this, I will be balancing out what I write about. I know many people have come to expect me to write about Male Fashion, and that will remain; but I will also be writing about whatever happens to be engaging me at certain times, whatever I am interested in, or my thoughts on a subject.
This switch will lead to more diverse topics that more people can enjoy and read, as well as keep me engaged in writing. To anyone who knows me, they can quickly tell you that I am scatterbrained, but passionate. If I love something, I love it dearly; if I hate something, it shall face my wrath. This passion will then be sent over numerous interests and thoughts of mine that may or may not always make sense. For example, this past Fourth of July, I raved about how Cain's makes the single best pickles you can buy, bar none. While I do not promise that sort of wacky writing, it is an example of who I am, and what can be expected out of this blog.
In the coming weeks, I will be beginning to release content that I have had completed for awhile, but never set public. I will also begin writing articles that exhibit the changes I have spoke of, as well as bring back the origins of this blog in Male Fashion.
I can't wait to share it all with you!
As Always, this is Ethan, telling you to Be Moore Man!